Web Design Services

Conversion Rate Optimization

Your website is leaking money.
Don’t make the same mistakes again.
Let data drive your intelligent decisions.
Not opinions.

We double both traffic and conversions. Our clients consistently see their profits go up. After all, a high conversion rate means a higher return on that investment (ROI).

That’s because we’ve figured out the secret of capturing what visitors to your website really want. Then we give it to them so they want more. We give it to them even before they know they even want it. And before they get tired of looking for it and leave your site. Which is what happens on everyone else's website. But not yours.

The Green Internet uses testing software, user groups, research, industry data, and the latest search engine optimization techniques. Which means you get a website that sells because we know what works today.

Quite simply, we get your business found online. We direct to you the most traffic, the highest qualified leads and comprehensive exposure across multiple channels for the least amount of cost.

We optimize your conversions through a proven step-by-step process using real-time data collection and sample sizes that bring us statistically significant results.

This means you don't have to spend anymore time worrying about whether or not your online marketing budget is well spent. It will be. And we show you in dollars and cents.

We use cutting-edge analytical software to tease out the right data from your website. From User Experience research to A/B testing to comprehensive analytics.

It might mean a more focused call-to-action or relocating unnecessarily complicated steps from your conversion funnel.

  • Higher conversion rate = better ROI
  • More cost effective than finding more visitors
  • Defends against limited patience of visitors

We help define your target audience’s needs, along with how they currently use your website.

Techniques include:

  • Heat maps to track mouse interactions
  • Customer surveys
  • Sales team interviews
  • User testing
  • Competitive analysis to see how you stack up against the competition to understand your prospects’ choices.
  • Sales process analysis
  • Email marketing efforts
  • Together we set priorities, based on budget, resources, time-frame, and what is reasonably possible.

Typically, we require a three-month engagement. It is extremely rare to achieve breakthrough results with a single test. That’s why you will get the best results from an iterative (rinse, repeat) process where we constantly learn about your audience and your site.

Our conversion rate optimization initiatives are based on custom requirements. We work on a retainer basis for the initial phase, followed by month to month invoicing as needed.

Call or contact us online to learn more about our conversion optimization process.

We believe that effective communication at the beginning of our collaboration enables us to create a “test path” that will provide measurable yet specific goals for revenue, customer loyalty and overall market share increase.

Effective Copyrighting

We are oriented on achieving lasting goals through continuous research, ambitious development, rigorous testing and meticulous reporting. Our team of experts will thoroughly analyze the ways in which users are interacting with your website while developing strategies for increasing customer engagement and conversion rate.

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

Work for your money while making your money work for you! Invest your marketing budget into our acclaimed CRO strategy, developed by our professional team, and get an immediate return on your investment.


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